find the surface of 3yd, 4yd, 4yd, 5yd

What kind of a surface are you measuring? Flat? Rectangular? Cubic? More data needed.

X-4yd 5yd x-4yd

To find the surface area of a rectangular prism, you will need to use the formula:

Surface Area = 2 * (length * width + length * height + width * height)

Given the dimensions of the rectangular prism as 3 yd, 4 yd, 4 yd, and 5 yd, let's calculate the surface area step-by-step.

Step 1: Calculate the area of the three pairs of faces:
- Length * Width: 3 yd * 4 yd = 12 square yards
- Length * Height: 3 yd * 4 yd = 12 square yards
- Width * Height: 4 yd * 5 yd = 20 square yards

Step 2: Multiply each of the above results by 2 (to account for both sides of each pair of faces):
- 12 square yards * 2 = 24 square yards
- 12 square yards * 2 = 24 square yards
- 20 square yards * 2 = 40 square yards

Step 3: Add up the areas calculated in step 2:
24 square yards + 24 square yards + 40 square yards = 88 square yards

Therefore, the surface area of the given rectangular prism is 88 square yards.

To find the surface area of an object, you'll need to multiply its length, width, and height. In this case, the dimensions given are 3yd (length), 4yd (width), 4yd (height), and 5yd (height).

Now, let's calculate the surface area using the formula:

Surface Area = 2(length × width) + 2(length × height) + 2(width × height)

First, calculate the individual products:

(length × width) = 3yd × 4yd = 12yd^2
(length × height) = 3yd × 4yd = 12yd^2
(width × height) = 4yd × 5yd = 20yd^2

Next, plug these values into the formula and simplify:

Surface Area = 2(12yd^2) + 2(12yd^2) + 2(20yd^2)
Surface Area = 24yd^2 + 24yd^2 + 40yd^2
Surface Area = 88yd^2

Therefore, the surface area of the object is 88 square yards.