Picking a card with a vowel on it from a box of cards in each letter of the alphabet is written on a card

To find out how many cards in the box have a vowel on them, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the vowels: The vowels in the English alphabet are 'A', 'E', 'I', 'O', and 'U'.

2. Count the number of cards: Determine the total number of cards in the box, ensuring that each letter of the alphabet has its own card.

3. Check each card: Go through each card in the box and see if the letter written on it is a vowel. Count the number of cards with vowels.

4. Calculate the result: Once you have counted all the cards with vowels, you will have the answer to your question.

Remember, this process assumes that each letter of the alphabet has its own card, so be sure to double-check the number of cards in the box to ensure accuracy.