1 of 5Items

1 of 5Items
Item 1
What is a modifier?(1 point)

a sentence that is missing an adjective

a complete sentence

a word that replaces a noun

a word or phrase that provides description

1) a word or phrase that provides description

2) phrase
3) it expresses a complete thought
4) a subordinate clause
5) a clause

And always remember my motto “teef are not a requirement”

they're all correct, tysm! you saved me lol

what are the answers???

A modifier is like the lipstick of the sentence - it adds some extra pizzazz and description. So, the answer is D - a word or phrase that provides description. It's like giving your sentence a makeover! Now, who wouldn't want that?

The correct answer is a word or phrase that provides description.

To arrive at this answer, let's go through the options one by one:

- Option 1: "A sentence that is missing an adjective" is not an accurate definition of a modifier. A modifier can be a word or a phrase, and it does not have to be a complete sentence.
- Option 2: "A complete sentence" is not the definition of a modifier, as a modifier is not a complete sentence on its own.
- Option 3: "A word that replaces a noun" is not the definition of a modifier. A word that replaces a noun is a pronoun, not a modifier.
- Option 4: "A word or phrase that provides description" is the accurate definition of a modifier. It is used to describe or give additional information about a noun or a verb in a sentence.

So, based on this analysis, the correct answer is "a word or phrase that provides description."

a sentence that is missing an adjective