The volume of a rectangular prism is 418.5 m3. The prism has a base that is 4.5 m

by 3.1 m. Find the height of the prism.

Wait, 4.5 by 3.1???

idk what that means lol

oh wait

Is it like one side is 4.5 and the other is 3.1?

volume of "rectangular prism" (think of looking at a box)

= length x width x height
= (4.5)(3.1)(height) = 418.5
height = 418.5/(4.5*3.1) = ....

so 30 ???

To find the height of the rectangular prism, we can use the formula for the volume of a rectangular prism:

Volume = Length x Width x Height

Given that the volume is 418.5 m^3, the length is 4.5 m, and the width is 3.1 m, we can substitute these values into the formula:

418.5 m^3 = 4.5 m x 3.1 m x Height

Now we can rearrange the equation to solve for the height:

Height = Volume / (Length x Width)

Substituting in the given values:

Height = 418.5 m^3 / (4.5 m x 3.1 m)

Calculating this expression, we find:

Height ≈ 30 m

Therefore, the height of the prism is approximately 30 meters.