can you order these in chronological order?

Black Seminole help the Seminole.

Osceola is upset over the Seminole moving to Indian Territory.

Most Seminole go to Indian Territory.

Osceola says he will fight rather than leave Florida.

The remaining Seminole escape into the swamps of Florida.

Seminole leaders attack the American army.

Fighting breaks out again.

To order the given events in chronological order, we need to examine the sequence of events and determine the correct order based on the information provided.

1) Black Seminole help the Seminole.
2) Osceola says he will fight rather than leave Florida.
3) Seminole leaders attack the American army.
4) Fighting breaks out again.
5) Osceola is upset over the Seminole moving to Indian Territory.
6) Most Seminole go to Indian Territory.
7) The remaining Seminole escape into the swamps of Florida.

Based on the information, the chronological order is as follows:

1) Black Seminole help the Seminole.
2) Osceola says he will fight rather than leave Florida.
3) Seminole leaders attack the American army.
4) Fighting breaks out again.
5) Osceola is upset over the Seminole moving to Indian Territory.
6) Most Seminole go to Indian Territory.
7) The remaining Seminole escape into the swamps of Florida.