What is NOT true of refraction?

A. Refraction may cause you to see a mirage.

B. Refraction occurs because light does not travel in a straight path.

C. Refraction occurs when light slows down when traveling through different mediums.

wait no C

I think it's B

The statement that is NOT true of refraction is B. Refraction occurs because light does not travel in a straight path.

Refraction actually occurs when light travels from one medium to another and changes speed. This change in speed causes the light to bend or change direction. This phenomenon is responsible for various optical phenomena, including the bending of light in water or when it passes through a prism, but it does not occur because light does not travel in a straight path.

To determine which statement is NOT true of refraction, let's examine each option and its explanation:

A. Refraction may cause you to see a mirage.
Explanation: This statement is true. Refraction can indeed cause the phenomenon of a mirage, where light rays get bent as they pass through layers of hot air above a hot surface, creating the illusion of water or other objects.

B. Refraction occurs because light does not travel in a straight path.
Explanation: This statement is also true. Refraction happens because light changes speed when it passes from one transparent medium to another, causing it to bend or change direction. This change in speed is due to the different optical densities of the mediums.

C. Refraction occurs when light slows down when traveling through different mediums.
Explanation: This statement is the correct answer since it is NOT true. Refraction occurs when light changes speed, not necessarily slows down. For example, when light moves from a less optically dense medium (e.g., air) to a more optically dense medium (e.g., glass or water), it slows down and bends towards the normal. On the contrary, when light moves from a more optically dense medium to a less optically dense medium, it speeds up and bends away from the normal.

Therefore, the answer to the question is C. Refraction occurs when light slows down when traveling through different mediums.