A class spends 1hour 15 minutes on English each school day.If the total time spend in school each day is 15 hours, what fraction of the time is spent on English

1 hour and 15 minutes out of 15 hours

Convert that to minutes (75 minutes and 900 minutes)
75/900 simplified is 1/12
Which means 1/12 of each school day is spent on English

(Wow, what type of school has 15 hours every day...sheesh)

1 hour 15 minutes = 1.25 hour

1.25/15 = ?

Good evening a class spends 1hour 15minutes on english each school day if the total time spend in school each day is 15 hours what fraction of the time is spend on english

How are we going to start

To find the fraction of time spent on English, we need to divide the time spent on English by the total time spent in school.

First, let's convert 1 hour 15 minutes to minutes. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, we have:

1 hour = 60 minutes
1 hour 15 minutes = 60 + 15 = 75 minutes

Now, we can find the fraction by dividing the time spent on English by the total time spent in school:

Fraction of time spent on English = (Time spent on English) / (Total time spent in school)

Time spent on English = 75 minutes
Total time spent in school = 15 hours * 60 minutes = 900 minutes

Fraction of time spent on English = 75 minutes / 900 minutes

To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 75:

Fraction of time spent on English = (75 minutes / 75 minutes) / (900 minutes / 75 minutes)
Fraction of time spent on English = 1/12

Therefore, the fraction of time spent on English is 1/12.

a class spends 1hour 15minutes on english each school day if the total time spend in school each day is 15 hours what fraction of the time is spend on english

Solving of the question