"My television is gone!" shrieked a shrill voice over the phone.

Ms. Trace O. Wit braced herself for a lively conversation with her neighbor, Ms. Hiss Terical. The poor woman was always shrieking about something. Ms. Wit put on her headset and attacked her sticky kitchen counter while she listened.
"Calm down, dear, and tell me what happened," said Ms. Wit with a voice like thick golden honey.
"Someone has stolen the television. Our other neighbors, the Prims, had their jewelry stolen. Imagine crimes like this in our pristine neighborhood," said the frazzled neighbor. Her shrill tone had given way to a heartbroken sound.
Visitors to Sweetheart Subdivision often thought of candy as they
looked over the suburb. Gumdrop-shaped shrubs hugged the homes. Round, lollipop-colored flowers popped up along the rock-candy walkways. Shiny, clipped lawns rolled out from the houses like smooth, green fruit leather. The white flowers on some trees looked as though someone had stuck marshmallows on the branches. Sweetheart Subdivision truly looked delicious!
Ms. Trace O. Wit got off the phone as soon as she could. She tried to comfort her friend, but these crimes shocked everyone. Ms. Wit felt uneasy.
Ms. Wit pondered these crimes as she finished her onslaught on the dirty countertops. Ms. Wit had won the first battle of her domestic war as she surveyed the shiny countertop.
Ms. Wit's next project was to oversee the new gardener she had hired, who would be arriving soon. She felt confident in her decision to try this new gardener because both Ms. Prim and Ms. Hiss Terical had recommended him.
Ding dong!
Ms. Wit wiped off her wet hands as she hurried to answer the door. Swinging the door wide open, she saw a trim-looking man with sleek black hair. Behind him was a shiny wheelbarrow full of new tools. Ms. Wit was impressed.
"Good morning, madam. I am here to do your yard work. My name is I. M. Slick," said Mr. Slick. His sparkling black eyes looked like obsidian pebbles.
"I can see you are ready to go to work. I have to run some errands, but I am sure you can tell what needs to be done. You certainly look as though you are well-prepared for your work," said Ms. Wit.
"Yes, indeed," said Mr. Slick as he extended his hand to his client.
Ms. Wit grasped Mr. Slick's hand and gave it a firm shake. His white hand was as soft as pressed velvet. Ms. Wit felt that something was not right, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Then one of her brilliant flashes of inspiration hit her like a lightning bolt. She had one more question for her gardener.
"I don't see any work gloves in your wheelbarrow," she said. "Would you like to borrow my husband's gloves?"
"Oh, no, madam," said Mr. Slick. "I never wear gloves when I work."
Ms. Wit smiled, but inside she felt alarmed. She collected her purse and jacket and then headed out to her car. She waved to her "gardener" as she drove away. However, Ms. Wit did not drive to the store. She went straight to the police station.
The police listened carefully to Ms. Wit, and when they heard her story, they drove over to her house to interview Mr. Slick. The man was caught off guard when the police questioned him about the thefts in the neighborhood. He started wringing his smooth, lily-white hands with distress. Moments later, he confessed to the crimes.
"How did you know it was me?" he cried.
"Well, I realized that both crimes had one thing in common: you were the new gardener for both of my friends. However, if you had been doing that much gardening, your hands would be tanned and rough. When you told me you never wore gloves, I had a feeling that you were a little too slick to be a real gardener, Mr. Slick!" said Ms. Trace O. Wit triumphantly.
In addition to a stiff fine, the judge had an unusual sentence for Mr. Slick. Instead of spending time in jail, the thief had to become a full-time gardener for Sweetheart Subdivision...under strict supervision, of course! The judge smiled when he said that the hard work might help Mr. Slick weed out his criminal tendencies.

Where did the story take place?
A. Licorice Land
B. Sweetheart Subdivision
C. Sugar Creek Subdivision
D. Eggnog Estates

Where did Ms. Wit go when she left her house?

#1: B. Sweetheart Subdivision

What about 2nd one!


Ms. Wit went straight to the police station when she left her house.

1. B