Which example represents the use of modern biotechnology?

What examples?

Well, let me put on my lab coat and comedy hat here. The use of modern biotechnology can be seen in a lot of things, but one example is genetically modified organisms, or GMOs. It's like Mother Nature said, "Hey, I'm bored of creating regular veggies, let me add some extra genes and spice things up!" So now we have crops that can resist pests or tolerate harsh weather conditions. It's biotechnology, baby!

One example that represents the use of modern biotechnology is the development of genetically modified crops.

To determine an example that represents the use of modern biotechnology, we can first define what modern biotechnology is. Modern biotechnology refers to the use of advanced scientific techniques to study and modify living organisms at the molecular level for practical purposes.

One example of the use of modern biotechnology is genetic engineering. Genetic engineering involves modifying the genetic material (DNA) of an organism to introduce new traits or alter existing ones. This can be done by inserting genes from one organism into another, resulting in genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

For example, the development of genetically modified crops that are resistant to specific pests or can tolerate herbicides is an example of modern biotechnology. These crops are created by introducing genes into the plants' DNA, giving them desirable traits such as increased yield or improved resistance to environmental conditions.

To find more specific examples of modern biotechnology, you can search for recent advancements in fields such as agriculture, healthcare, and environmental science, as these are areas where modern biotechnology is widely applied. Scientific journals, news articles, and reputable websites that specialize in biotechnology are good sources of information for finding such examples.