Hanna has 2 boxes of color pencils. One box has 20 color pencils and the other box has 16 color pencils. She gives her brother 3 of the color pencils. She wants to put the colored pencils that she has left into 3 equal groups. How many color pencils will Teanna put in each group?

plz help

(20+16-3)/3 = 11

To find out how many color pencils Hanna will put in each group, we first need to determine how many color pencils she has left after giving 3 color pencils to her brother.

Hanna originally has 20 color pencils in one box and 16 color pencils in the other box. In total, she has 20 + 16 = 36 color pencils.

After giving her brother 3 color pencils, Hanna will have 36 - 3 = 33 color pencils left.

Now, to divide the remaining color pencils into 3 equal groups, we need to divide the total number of color pencils by 3.

33 รท 3 = 11

Hence, Hannah will put 11 color pencils in each group.