If you travel 500 kilometers in 5 hours, your average speed is

A. 5 km/h
B. 50 km/h
C. 100 km/h
D. 250 km/h

Is it C??


thank you!

To calculate the average speed, you need to divide the distance traveled by the time taken. In this case, you traveled 500 kilometers in 5 hours.

Average speed = distance/time

Average speed = 500 km / 5 hours

Average speed = 100 km/h

So, the correct answer is

C. 100 km/h.

Yes, the correct answer is C. 100 km/h.

To find average speed, you divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken. In this case, you traveled 500 kilometers in 5 hours. So, the average speed is calculated as 500 km / 5 hours = 100 km/h.

Therefore, option C, 100 km/h, is the correct answer.