Emily is a very good student. She is more likely to attend class than to miss class. Which could be the probability that she misses class tomorrow?



A probability greater than 1 is not real.

Equally likely to miss or not miss wold be 0.5
It must be less than 0.5 then
however a negative probability is also meaningless.
so ..... there is only one choice between 0 and 0.5

To determine the probability that Emily will miss class tomorrow, we need to use the information given in the question. The question states that Emily is more likely to attend class than to miss class. This means that the probability of her attending class is higher than the probability of her missing class.

Since probabilities generally range between 0 and 1, we can eliminate option D, as it is above the range.

Option A, -0.4, is not a valid probability since probabilities cannot be negative.

Option B, 0.1, is a low probability and indicates that Emily is less likely to miss class. This could be a possibility if the statement "She is more likely to attend class than to miss class" is interpreted as a small margin. However, without additional contextual information, we cannot definitively determine if this is the correct probability.

Option C, 0.7, is a higher probability and indicates that Emily is more likely to miss class. This would contradict the statement in the question, which states that Emily is more likely to attend class. Therefore, this option is less likely to be correct.

Based on the given information, option B, 0.1, is the most reasonable probability for Emily to miss class tomorrow. However, it is important to note that the answer could vary depending on how the statement "she is more likely to attend class than to miss class" is interpreted.