Using structures of chemical compounds explain why the following substances are hydrophilic or hydrophobic.

Example: Table sugar. It has been observed that it is a hydrophilic substance – it dissolves in water readily. Sugar is a polar compound - its molecules contain a lot of polar bonds (C-O, O-H). When in contact with water, which is a very polar substance, dipole-dipole interactions, and hydrogen bonding forms between polar groups in sugar and O-H groups in water.

1. Starch

2. Vegetable oil

3. Polypropylene

Remember that like dissolves like.

1. Starch-- Contains many OH bonds much like water. hydrophillic.

2. Vegetable oil-- hydrophobic. No OH bonds. not a polar compound.

3. Polypropylene --hydrophillic--contains oh bonds.

Hmm, I'm not so good at chemistry does anybody have the answer? :/

Hey, you could go to Quizlet. :D and get your answer there:-D

1. Starch: Starch is a hydrophilic substance. Starch is composed of long chains of glucose molecules, which are linked by glycosidic bonds. The structure of starch is such that it contains many polar hydroxyl groups (-OH) along the glucose chains. These hydroxyl groups can form hydrogen bonds with water molecules, promoting solubility. In addition, starch molecules have a branched or helical structure, which allows for more surface area interaction with water, enhancing its hydrophilic nature.

2. Vegetable oil: Vegetable oil is a hydrophobic substance. Vegetable oil is composed of various triglyceride molecules, which are made up of a glycerol backbone and fatty acid chains attached to it. The fatty acid chains in vegetable oil are typically long hydrocarbon chains (consisting of carbon and hydrogen atoms) that are nonpolar. As a result, they do not have the ability to form hydrogen bonds with water molecules. This lack of polarity and the presence of nonpolar hydrocarbon chains make vegetable oil insoluble in water, giving it its hydrophobic properties.

3. Polypropylene: Polypropylene is a hydrophobic substance. Polypropylene is a polymer composed of repeated propylene units. The propylene units consist of methyl groups attached to a central carbon atom. Methyl groups are nonpolar hydrocarbon groups and do not possess any polar bonds. As a result, polypropylene is a nonpolar compound without any functional groups that can form hydrogen bonds with water. Consequently, polypropylene is not soluble in water and exhibits hydrophobic properties.