Find the long of y if the GMT is 10:00am 5july when the local time in a placed x is 4:48am in 4july, find the long of place x. I need more explanation.


To find the longitude of place x using the given information, we need to calculate the time difference between GMT and the local time for both places.

- GMT time: 10:00 AM, 5 July
- Local time in place x: 4:48 AM, 4 July

First, let's find the time difference between the two dates in hours:

For GMT:
July 5th, 10:00 AM - July 4th, 10:00 AM = 24 hours

For place x:
July 4th, 4:48 AM - July 4th, 10:00 AM = -5 hours 12 minutes

Since the local time in place x is behind GMT, the time difference is negative.

Now, we can calculate the longitude of place x using the time difference. One hour of time difference corresponds to 15 degrees of longitude.

For place x:
-5 hours 12 minutes * 15 degrees/hour = -78 degrees

Therefore, the longitude of place x is -78 degrees.

To find the longitude of place X based on the given times, we can calculate the time difference between the GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) and the local time in place X.

First, let's convert the GMT time to 24-hour format. The GMT time is 10:00 am. As the GMT is the reference time, it does not change regardless of the date or location.

Next, convert the local time in place X to 24-hour format. The local time in place X is 4:48 am.

Now, calculate the time difference between the GMT and the local time in place X. To do this, subtract the local time in place X from the GMT time. As we are calculating time, we need to convert the result to minutes:

- Convert the GMT time to minutes: 10:00 am = (10 * 60) = 600 minutes.
- Convert the local time in place X to minutes: 4:48 am = (4 * 60) + 48 = 288 minutes.
- Calculate the time difference: 600 minutes - 288 minutes = 312 minutes.

Finally, convert the time difference from minutes to degrees of longitude. Since there are 24 hours in a day and 360 degrees in a circle, the conversion factor is 360 degrees / 24 hours = 15 degrees per hour. Multiply the time difference in minutes by this conversion factor:

312 minutes * (15 degrees / 60 minutes) = 78 degrees.

Therefore, the longitude of place X is 78 degrees.