Write a story problem to represent 6÷ 1/5


Once upon a time, there were 6 friends who decided to divide a box of chocolates equally. However, they noticed that the chocolates were divided into 1/5-sized pieces. They wondered how many pieces each person would get.

To solve this story problem, we can use the division operation. We need to divide the total number of chocolates (which is 6) by the size of each piece (which is 1/5).

To perform this division, we can use a simple method:
1. Convert the division problem into a multiplication problem by taking the reciprocal of the denominator. Therefore, we need to find the reciprocal of 1/5, which is 5/1.
2. Multiply the numerator (6) by the reciprocal of the denominator (5/1).

So, to find out how many pieces each person would get, we multiply 6 by 5/1:
6 × 5/1 = 30/1 = 30.

Hence, each person would get 30 pieces of chocolate.