Prove this using direct proof in paragraph form

Given:M is the midpoint of XY
Prove: XM=YM

To prove that XM is equal to YM, we will use direct proof. We are given that M is the midpoint of XY. This means that M divides XY into two equal parts. By definition, a midpoint of a line segment divides the segment into two segments of equal length.

Let's consider the line segment XY. Since M is the midpoint, we can say that MX + MY = XY. However, we need to prove that XM is equal to YM, so let's re-arrange this equation.

We want to show that XM = YM. This means that we need to show that MX is equal to MY. From the equation MX + MY = XY, we can subtract MY from both sides to isolate MX. This gives us MX = XY - MY.

Now, since we know that M is the midpoint, we can substitute XY with 2M, as the segment is divided into two equal parts. Therefore, MX = 2M - MY.

Since M is the midpoint, we can also say that MX = MY, as they are both equal to half of XY. Therefore, our equation becomes MY = 2M - MY.

By simplifying the equation, we can add MY to both sides, giving us 2MY = 2M. To further simplify, we can divide both sides by 2, resulting in MY = M.

Hence, we have successfully proven that XM = YM, as MX is equal to MY.

To prove that XM = YM using a direct proof, we need to show that XM and YM are equal in length by using the given information that M is the midpoint of XY.

Let's begin the proof:

Assume that M is the midpoint of XY. This means that M divides XY into two equal parts. Now, let's consider the line segments XM and YM.

Since M is the midpoint of XY, we can say that the distance from X to M is equal to the distance from M to Y, as they are both half the length of XY. Denoting the distance from X to M as x and the distance from M to Y as y, we have:

XM = x
YM = y

Furthermore, since M is the midpoint, we know that the sum of the lengths XM and MY will be equal to the length of XY.

Therefore, XM + YM = XY

Substituting x for XM and y for YM, we have:

x + y = XY

But we also know that x is equal to y (the distances from X to M and from M to Y are equal), so we can further simplify the equation to:

2x = XY

Finally, since M is the midpoint of XY, and XM + YM = XY, we can conclude that XM = YM.

Hence, we have proven that XM is equal to YM using a direct proof.

definition of midpoint.
