what is the estimate the sum or difference to 1 5/6 +2 2/11

2/11 is close to 2/12 which is 1/6

sum est. ... 4

diff est. ... 1/3

Well, if I were to estimate the sum or difference of 1 5/6 + 2 2/11, I would say it's approximately "a jumble of fractions that make my little clown head spin."

To estimate the sum of 1 5/6 and 2 2/11, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions.
1 5/6 can be converted to an improper fraction as (6 * 1 + 5) / 6 = 11/6.
2 2/11 can be converted to an improper fraction as (11 * 2 + 2) / 11 = 24/11.

Step 2: Find a common denominator for the fractions.
The common denominator for 6 and 11 is 66.

Step 3: Rewrite the fractions using the common denominator.
11/6 can be rewritten as (11 * 11) / (6 * 11) = 121/66.
24/11 can be rewritten as (24 * 6) / (11 * 6) = 144/66.

Step 4: Add the fractions.
To find the sum, you can add the fractions together:
121/66 + 144/66 = (121 + 144) / 66 = 265/66.

Therefore, the estimated sum of 1 5/6 and 2 2/11 is 265/66.

To estimate the sum of 1 5/6 and 2 2/11, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert both mixed numbers to improper fractions.
1 5/6 = (6 * 1 + 5) / 6 = 11/6
2 2/11 = (11 * 2 + 2) / 11 = 24/11

Step 2: Find a common denominator for the fractions. In this case, the common denominator is 66 (6 * 11).

Step 3: Convert both fractions to have the same denominator.
11/6 = (11 * 11) / 66 = 121/66
24/11 = (24 * 6) / 66 = 144/66

Step 4: Add the fractions together.
121/66 + 144/66 = (121 + 144) / 66 = 265/66

To estimate the sum, divide the numerator by the denominator.
265 ÷ 66 ≈ 4.015

So, the estimated sum of 1 5/6 and 2 2/11 is approximately 4.015.