What fraction goes in the blank to make the statement < 1/3 true?

To find the fraction that goes in the blank to make the statement "< 1/3" true, we need to find a fraction that is less than 1/3.

We can start by understanding the concept of fractions. A fraction consists of a numerator (the top number) and a denominator (the bottom number), separated by a slash (/). The numerator represents the number of parts being considered, while the denominator represents the total number of equal parts into which the whole is divided.

In this case, we want a fraction that is less than 1/3. This means that the numerator should be a smaller number than the denominator. For example, fractions like 1/4, 1/5, or 1/10 would all be less than 1/3.

To get a better understanding, we can visualize these fractions on a number line. Let's draw a number line and mark 1/3 on it. Now, any fraction to the left of 1/3 will be less than 1/3. So, any fraction smaller than 1/3 can be used to fill the blank in the statement "< 1/3."

Therefore, any fraction such as 1/4, 1/5, 1/10, or any other fraction with a smaller numerator and the same denominator will make the statement "< 1/3" true.

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Choose the fraction that makes the statement true.

3/4 x
Question Blank 1 of 1
choose your answer...
= 3/4