Aryan is washing cars for a fundraiser. His buckets contain 25 liters 215 milliliters of water. He adds another 6 liters 55 milliliters of water to the buckets before getting started. If at the end of the first hour of washing, Aryan has 8 liters 740 milliliters of water remaining, how much water has he already


The easy way to do this is to convert everything to the same unit; i.e., either to liters (L) or milliliters (mL). I prefer to convert to L. Remember that 1000 mL = 1L so just divide mL by 1000 to obtain L. Remember, too, dividing by 10 or 100 or 1000 you just move the decimal point to the left y1, or 2 or 3 places. So if I want to convert 125 mL to L that is 0.125 L. 15,000 mL = 15 L and so on. To the problem.

So the bucket contains 25 L and 215 mL. In L that is 25.215 L.
He adds another 6 L and 55 mL. in L that is 6.055 L. The total now is 25.215 + 6.055 = 31.270 L
At the end of the first hour he has 8 L and 740 mL = 8.740 L left.
He has used 31.270 - 8.740 = ? Liters

25.215 + 6.055 - x = 8.740

To calculate how much water Aryan has already used, we need to subtract the amount of water remaining from the total amount of water he started with. Here's how we can approach the problem:

1. Convert the measurements of water into a consistent unit. In this case, let's convert everything to milliliters since it's a smaller unit compared to liters.

- The initial amount of water in Aryan's buckets is 25 liters 215 milliliters, which is equal to 25,215 milliliters (1 liter = 1,000 milliliters).
- The additional water he adds is 6 liters 55 milliliters, which is equal to 6,055 milliliters.
- The water remaining is 8 liters 740 milliliters, which is equal to 8,740 milliliters.

2. Add up the initial amount of water and the additional water to find the total amount of water Aryan started with:

Total amount of water = 25,215 milliliters + 6,055 milliliters = 31,270 milliliters.

3. Subtract the amount of water remaining from the total amount of water to find how much water Aryan has already used:

Water used = Total amount of water - Water remaining = 31,270 milliliters - 8,740 milliliters = 22,530 milliliters.

Therefore, Aryan has already used 22,530 milliliters of water.