What is the V/SA ratio of a sphere if the volume is 904.32 and the surface area is 452.16?

Well, what is 904.32 / 452.16 ?

To find the V/SA (Volume to Surface Area) ratio of a sphere, you can use the following formula:

V/SA = (3 * V) / (4 * π * r^3)

Given that the volume is 904.32 and the surface area is 452.16, we can substitute these values into the formula and solve for the ratio.

1. Rearrange the formula to isolate the V/SA term:
V/SA = (3 * V) / (4 * π * r^2)

2. Substitute the given values:
V/SA = (3 * 904.32) / (4 * π * r^2)

3. Simplify the numerator:
V/SA = (2712.96) / (4 * π * r^2)

4. Simplify the denominator:
V/SA = (2712.96) / (4π * r^2)

Here, we are missing the value for the radius (r). Without the radius, we cannot calculate the V/SA ratio accurately.

To find the V/SA ratio of a sphere, we need to divide the volume (V) by the surface area (SA).

Given that the volume V is 904.32 and the surface area SA is 452.16, we can calculate the V/SA ratio as follows:

V/SA = 904.32 / 452.16

To find the answer, we need to perform this division.

Dividing 904.32 by 452.16 gives us a value of 2.

Therefore, the V/SA ratio of the sphere is 2.