1. Medicine from public health facilities tends to be extremely expensive and unaffordable. (1 point)


2. Carlos and Aiden are the youngest members of the Sullivan Family, at four and seven years old. Which of the following best describes what roles Carlos and Aiden might be expected to fill? (1 point)
make major decisions that impact the entire family
earn an income in order to help support the family financially
entertain and respect the older family members and to learn how to function in society
sacrifice their independence for the greater good of the family and its needs

3. What do we call the organizations that convert human, mechanical, material, and financial resources into services that help people maintain good health status? (1 point)
private insurance
preventive care
healthcare systems

4. How can a social insurance system be defined? (1 point)
when all members of a country are required to pay into an insurance fund, often from salary contributions, and then this fund is used to cover healthcare costs
a defined entity with interrelated parts that can accomplish more than those parts could have accomplished if they were working alone
services billed on a sliding scale, according to ability to pay, so that people are paying a similar proportion of their income for the same service
highly specialized service providers, often in facilities where the patient is admitted for the course of treatment

5. Jasmine is 16 years old and the eldest child in her family. Lately, Jasmine's family has been experiencing some financial struggles. Which of the following would be the most helpful for Jasmine to do to help contribute to her family's ability to function? (1 point)
Go to sleep earlier.
Stop watching as much TV as she does.
Get a job to help earn additional income.
Collect all the loose change around the house.

6. Without direct oversight, people can take advantage of each other and change healthcare from a public service into what? (1 point)
a creative venture
a private service
a money-making opportunity
an impoverished system

7. Healthcare systems require a lot of people and moving parts to make sure that they deliver services to the people who need them. (1 point)

8. What is a government-run facility referred to as? (1 point)
tertiary care
public provider
social insurance system

9. Which three factors are hard to fully have in any given healthcare plan? (1 point)
good, fast, professional
affordable, high quality, fast
low cost, high tech, fast
professional, high tech, personal

10. When the government doesn’t ensure citizens have easy access to a pharmacy, it is likely that unlicensed pharmacies will appear, selling unregulated drugs for profit. (1 point)

11. If you were asked to describe what occurred during the time of the nineteenth-century scientific boom in one sentence, what might you say? (1 point)
It was a time that showed the need for increased government involvement in healthcare since only the government could quarantine large groups of people.
It was a time when European countries started to create national healthcare systems.
It was a time when an international declaration of health as a human right was made and called for primary healthcare for all people.
It was a time that pushed for more scientific training and an increase in the number of hospitals across Europe and the United States.

12. What is it called when insurance companies offer health insurance, and you purchase it directly from the company or through the help of your employer? (1 point)
tertiary care
secondary care
social insurance
private insurance

13. Who receives coverage with the (Otto von) Bismarck Model of healthcare? (1 point)
only women and children
those who can afford it
only legal citizens who pay taxes

14. Martin has been having difficulty breathing lately, especially when he exercises. He notices that he is wheezing and gasping for air on a daily basis. He decides to visit his doctor to have this issue checked out and treated. What type of care is Martin seeking? (1 point)
preventative care
curative care
ultrasonic care
formative care

15. Kimberly works hard to collect and distribute money so that healthcare professionals are paid and patients are protected from paying major healthcare costs directly. Which of the following is most likely Kimberly's job title? (1 point)
financing agent
stock broker
ER doctor
insurance agent

1. B

2. C
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. B
10. A
11. D
12. D
13. D
14. C
15. A

1. False. Medicine from public health facilities tends to be more affordable compared to private healthcare.

2. Entertain and respect the older family members and to learn how to function in society. They are young children and not expected to make major decisions or earn income.

3. Healthcare systems.

4. When all members of a country are required to pay into an insurance fund, often from salary contributions, and then this fund is used to cover healthcare costs.

5. Get a job to help earn additional income.

6. A money-making opportunity. Without direct oversight, people can take advantage of each other and healthcare can become a business.

7. True. Healthcare systems require many people and moving parts to function effectively.

8. Public provider. A government-run facility is often referred to as a public provider.

9. Affordable, high quality, fast. It is difficult to have all three factors fully met in any given healthcare plan.

10. True. Without easy access to licensed pharmacies, unregulated and unlicensed pharmacies may appear.

11. It was a time that pushed for more scientific training and an increase in the number of hospitals across Europe and the United States.

12. Private insurance. When insurance companies offer health insurance directly to individuals or through employers, it is called private insurance.

13. Everyone. The (Otto von) Bismarck Model of healthcare provides coverage for all.

14. Curative care. Martin is seeking treatment for an existing condition.

15. Financing agent. Kimberly's job involves collecting and distributing money for healthcare professionals and protecting patients from major healthcare costs.

1. False

2. entertain and respect the older family members and to learn how to function in society
3. healthcare systems
4. when all members of a country are required to pay into an insurance fund, often from salary contributions, and then this fund is used to cover healthcare costs
5. Get a job to help earn additional income.
6. a private service
7. True
8. public provider
9. affordable, high quality, fast
10. True
11. It was a time that pushed for more scientific training and an increase in the number of hospitals across Europe and the United States.
12. private insurance
13. everyone
14. curative care
15. financing agent

1. To determine whether medicine from public health facilities tends to be extremely expensive and unaffordable, you would need to research the cost of medicine at public health facilities. This can be done by visiting local public health facilities or researching statistics and reports on the cost of medicine in public health facilities.

2. To determine the expected roles of Carlos and Aiden in the Sullivan Family, you would need to consider cultural and familial norms. Young children are generally not expected to make major decisions that impact the entire family or earn an income to support the family financially. However, they may be expected to entertain and respect older family members and learn how to function in society to some extent.

3. The organizations that convert human, mechanical, material, and financial resources into services that help people maintain good health status are called healthcare systems. This information can be found through research on healthcare systems and their components.

4. A social insurance system can be defined as when all members of a country are required to pay into an insurance fund, often from salary contributions, and then this fund is used to cover healthcare costs. This definition can be found through research on social insurance systems and how they function.

5. To determine the most helpful action for Jasmine to contribute to her family's ability to function, you would need to consider the family's specific needs and circumstances. While getting a job to help earn additional income can be a common way for teenagers to contribute to their families, it may not be the most suitable option in all situations. It would be best to assess the family's needs and discuss potential solutions with them.

6. Without direct oversight, people can take advantage of each other and change healthcare from a public service into a money-making opportunity. This statement reflects the potential consequences of a lack of regulation and oversight in healthcare.

7. Healthcare systems do require a lot of people and moving parts to deliver services to the people who need them. This statement is true and can be supported by understanding the roles and responsibilities of various healthcare professionals and the infrastructure required to provide healthcare services.

8. A government-run facility is referred to as a public provider. This can be found through researching different types of healthcare providers and their ownership structures.

9. The three factors that are hard to fully have in any given healthcare plan are affordable, high quality, and fast. This information can be determined by examining the challenges and trade-offs that exist in healthcare systems and policies.

10. When the government doesn't ensure citizens have easy access to a pharmacy, it is likely that unlicensed pharmacies will appear, selling unregulated drugs for profit. To verify the accuracy of this statement, you would need to research the impact of government oversight on access to pharmacies and the prevalence of unlicensed pharmacies.

11. If asked to describe what occurred during the time of the nineteenth-century scientific boom, you would need to assess the historical context and developments of that period. The correct answer depends on historical events and perspectives, so further research on the nineteenth-century scientific boom would be necessary to provide an accurate answer.

12. When insurance companies offer health insurance and you purchase it directly from the company or through the help of your employer, it is called private insurance. This information can be found by researching the different types of health insurance and their sources.

13. The (Otto von) Bismarck Model of healthcare provides coverage to everyone. This information can be obtained by researching the Bismarck Model and its principles.

14. Martin is seeking curative care, as he is experiencing a health issue and seeking treatment to address it. This can be determined by understanding the different types of healthcare, with curative care focusing on treating existing health problems.

15. If Kimberly's role involves collecting and distributing money to pay healthcare professionals and protect patients from major healthcare costs, her job title is most likely an insurance agent. This can be deduced by understanding the role of insurance agents in managing financial aspects of healthcare and protecting individuals from high costs.