Read the excerpt from The Land.

I felt proud that my daddy trusted me to take charge of the stallion on my own, and I did exactly as my daddy said.
Why is this an example of intrinsic motivation?

Would you say doing "exactly as my daddy said" is intrinsic? I wouldn't.

Ayanna is wrong for sure but she/he did say the answers might be wrong



To determine why this excerpt is an example of intrinsic motivation, we need to understand what intrinsic motivation means. Intrinsic motivation refers to engaging in an activity or behavior for the inherent satisfaction and enjoyment it brings, rather than for external rewards or pressures. It is driven by personal interest, curiosity, or a sense of accomplishment.

In the given excerpt, the narrator expresses a feeling of pride in being trusted by their daddy to take charge of the stallion on their own. This pride suggests that the motivation to take charge and follow their daddy's instructions stems from an internal desire to prove themselves capable, responsible, and reliable. The narrator's satisfaction comes from the act of doing exactly as their daddy said, which provides personal fulfillment and a sense of achievement.

Therefore, this excerpt exemplifies intrinsic motivation because the narrator's motivation is driven by their own personal interest, rather than any external rewards or pressures.


1. A
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. D
I got 100% from pearson.
Hope this helps!

They may switch the answers

1. A
2. D
3. D
4. A
5. A
6. A
I got 100% im very sorry if this is wrong.