Reese brought 2 sandwiches for her school lunch. Each sandwich was cut into fourths. After she ate lunch, Reese has 3 pieces of sandwich left. How many pieces did Reese eat?





So u don’t help me right

To find out how many pieces Reese ate, we need to subtract the number of pieces she has left from the total number of pieces she started with.

Reese brought 2 sandwiches, and each sandwich was cut into fourths. So, the total number of pieces is 2 sandwiches * 4 pieces per sandwich, which equals 8 pieces in total.

Since Reese has 3 pieces of sandwich left, we subtract 3 from the total number of pieces: 8 - 3 = 5.

Therefore, Reese ate 5 pieces of sandwich.

there were 2*4 = 8 pieces to start wth, so ...