Help, please

If I bought a pair of shoes for $79.10 total including HST, how much HST tax was added? How much were the shoes before the HST was added?

More info needed. You have two unknowns.

that's what the question says

no worries ill e-mail my teacher

To find out how much HST tax was added, we need to calculate the tax amount. HST stands for Harmonized Sales Tax, which is a combination of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and the Provincial Sales Tax (PST). The specific HST rate varies depending on the province or territory in Canada.

To calculate the HST tax amount, we can use the following formula:
HST tax = Total price including HST - Price before HST

In this case, we know that the total price including HST is $79.10, but we don't know the price before HST. Let me calculate that for you:

Let Price before HST = X

HST tax = $79.10 - X

Now, to find the price before the HST was added, we need to subtract the HST tax from the total price including HST:

Price before HST = Total price including HST - HST tax

Price before HST = $79.10 - ($79.10 - X)

Simplifying the equation:
Price before HST = $79.10 - $79.10 + X

Price before HST = X

So, the price before HST was added is $X, which is the same as the original price of the shoes.

Now, we still need to calculate the HST tax amount by substituting X back into the equation:

HST tax = $79.10 - X

Unfortunately, without knowing the tax rate in your specific province or territory, we cannot calculate the exact amount of HST tax added. May I know your location, so I can provide you with the specific HST tax rate and calculate the amount for you?