Please give me an answer ASAP.

Directions: Read each statement and determine whether the two variables are positively correlated(P), negatively correlated (N), or contain zero/no correlation (Z). Explain why you chose the answer that you did.

In May of last year, the number of classes Marty missed rose from 35 to 50. When grades were reported in June, Marty’s grades had dropped from A’s and B’s to D’s and F’s.

Elizabeth increased her practice time for the mile run from five days a week to seven days a week. After practicing, her time improved.

A scientist wanted to conduct a study that showed the relationship between a person’s performance on a facial recognition test and a person’s height. He had a hard time conducting this experiment and showing a relationship.

Dillon studied very hard for his marine bio exam. His grades went up.

It was found that people that smoke more marijuana have a harder time reciting the pledge of allegiance than people who do not smoke.

Carter found that the more he slept, the less time he had to do activities.

As more students entered the student center, it became increasingly messy and hard to walk through.

The more the butterfly flaps its wings in Thailand, the more homework Roberto does.

Roberto bullied many people. His number of friends went down.

If Pavlov rang the bell often, his dogs salivated a great deal.

For number 1, in may of last negatively correlated

For number 2. Elizabeth increased.... is positively correlated
For number 3 a scientist zero correlation
For number 4 Dillon studied ...... is positively correlated
For number 5 It was positively correlated
For number 6 Carter found.... is negatively correlated
For number 7 As more students is negatively correlated
For number 8 The more the butterfly..... is positively correlated
For number 9 Roberto bullied.... is negatively correlated.
For number 10 If Pavlov .... is positively correlated

For each statement, we need to determine whether the variables are positively correlated (P), negatively correlated (N), or contain zero/no correlation (Z). Let's go through each statement one by one and explain the reasoning behind the answer.

1. In May of last year, the number of classes Marty missed rose from 35 to 50. When grades were reported in June, Marty’s grades had dropped from A’s and B’s to D’s and F’s.

Answer: N (negatively correlated)

Explanation: In this case, the variables being considered are the number of classes missed by Marty and his grades. The statement tells us that as the number of classes Marty missed increased, his grades dropped. This indicates a negative correlation between the two variables, where an increase in one variable (number of classes missed) is accompanied by a decrease in the other variable (grades).

2. Elizabeth increased her practice time for the mile run from five days a week to seven days a week. After practicing, her time improved.

Answer: P (positively correlated)

Explanation: The variables being considered here are Elizabeth's practice time for the mile run and her running time. The statement tells us that as Elizabeth increased her practice time, her running time improved. This suggests a positive correlation between the two variables, as an increase in one variable (practice time) is accompanied by an improvement in the other variable (running time).

3. A scientist wanted to conduct a study that showed the relationship between a person’s performance on a facial recognition test and a person’s height. He had a hard time conducting this experiment and showing a relationship.

Answer: Z (zero/no correlation)

Explanation: The scientist attempted to find a relationship between a person's performance on a facial recognition test and their height but had a hard time showing such a relationship. This suggests that there is no correlation (zero correlation) between the variables of performance on the facial recognition test and height.

4. Dillon studied very hard for his marine bio exam. His grades went up.

Answer: P (positively correlated)

Explanation: The variables considered in this statement are Dillon's studying effort and his grades. The statement implies that as Dillon studied harder, his grades improved. This suggests a positive correlation between the two variables, as an increase in one variable (studying effort) is accompanied by an increase in the other variable (grades).

5. It was found that people that smoke more marijuana have a harder time reciting the pledge of allegiance than people who do not smoke.

Answer: N (negatively correlated)

Explanation: The variables being considered here are the amount of marijuana smoked and the ability to recite the pledge of allegiance. The statement states that as people smoke more marijuana, they have a harder time reciting the pledge of allegiance. This suggests a negative correlation between the two variables, where an increase in one variable (amount of marijuana smoked) is accompanied by a decrease in the other variable (ability to recite the pledge).

6. Carter found that the more he slept, the less time he had to do activities.

Answer: N (negatively correlated)

Explanation: The variables being considered here are the amount of sleep and the available time for activities. According to the statement, as Carter slept more, he had less time to do activities. This indicates a negative correlation between the two variables, as an increase in one variable (amount of sleep) is accompanied by a decrease in the other variable (available time for activities).

7. As more students entered the student center, it became increasingly messy and hard to walk through.

Answer: P (positively correlated)

Explanation: The variables being considered here are the number of students entering the student center and the level of messiness and difficulty in walking through. The statement tells us that as more students entered, the student center became messier and harder to navigate. This suggests a positive correlation between the variables, as an increase in one variable (number of students) is accompanied by an increase in the other variable (messiness and difficulty in walking through).

8. The more the butterfly flaps its wings in Thailand, the more homework Roberto does.

Answer: Z (zero/no correlation)

Explanation: The variables being considered here are the butterfly's wing flapping in Thailand and Roberto's homework. Based on the statement, there is no clear relationship or correlation mentioned between the two variables. Therefore, we can conclude that there is no correlation (zero correlation) between the variables.

9. If Pavlov rang the bell often, his dogs salivated a great deal.

Answer: P (positively correlated)

Explanation: The variables being considered here are the frequency of Pavlov ringing the bell and the amount of salivation in Pavlov's dogs. The statement states that as Pavlov rang the bell more often, his dogs salivated a great deal. This indicates a positive correlation between the two variables, as an increase in one variable (frequency of bell ringing) is accompanied by an increase in the other variable (salivation in dogs).

If one variable goes up, while the other goes down = negatively correlated.

If they both increase/decrease together, = positively correlated.