Write a pascal program to compute sale tax rate on 7% percent. Take the 7% percent to be a constant equivelent to 0.07

what's the trouble? If you know any Pascal syntax at all, surely you can do the calculation

tax = 0.07 * price

Here is a step-by-step guide to writing a Pascal program to compute the sale tax rate:

Step 1: Declare a constant variable to store the tax rate. In this case, you can name it "taxRate" and assign the value 0.07 to it.

taxRate = 0.07;

Step 2: Declare a variable to store the amount of the purchase. You can name it "purchaseAmount" and assign a value to it. This value can be entered by the user or you can assign a specific value for testing purposes.

purchaseAmount: real; // Assuming the purchase amount is a real number

Step 3: Prompt the user to enter the purchase amount, or set a fixed value if you are testing the program.

writeln('Enter the purchase amount: ');

Step 4: Calculate the tax amount by multiplying the purchase amount with the tax rate.

taxAmount: real;

taxAmount := purchaseAmount * taxRate;

Step 5: Calculate the total amount including the tax by adding the purchase amount and the tax amount.

totalAmount: real;

totalAmount := purchaseAmount + taxAmount;

Step 6: Display the purchase amount, tax amount, and total amount to the user.

writeln('Purchase Amount: ', purchaseAmount:0:2);
writeln('Tax Amount: ', taxAmount:0:2);
writeln('Total Amount: ', totalAmount:0:2);

Step 7: End the program.

readln; // To keep the console window open (optional)

That's it! You have successfully written a Pascal program to compute the sale tax rate.

To write a Pascal program to compute the sales tax rate of 7%, you can follow these steps:

1. Declare a constant variable to represent the tax rate equivalent to 7%. In Pascal, you can declare a constant using the "const" keyword, as shown below:

TaxRate = 0.07; // 7% equivalent to 0.07

2. Prompt the user to input the sale amount. In Pascal, you can use the "readln" function to read user input from the keyboard:

writeln('Enter the sale amount: ');

3. Calculate the sales tax amount. Multiply the sale amount by the tax rate to find the tax amount:

taxAmount := saleAmount * TaxRate;

4. Calculate the total amount, including the sales tax:

totalAmount := saleAmount + taxAmount;

5. Display the calculated sales tax amount and total amount to the user:

writeln('Sales Tax Amount: ', taxAmount:0:2);
writeln('Total Amount: ', totalAmount:0:2);

Putting it all together, your Pascal program to compute the sales tax rate of 7% would look like this:

program SalesTax;

TaxRate = 0.07; // 7% equivalent to 0.07

saleAmount, taxAmount, totalAmount: real;

writeln('Enter the sale amount: ');

taxAmount := saleAmount * TaxRate;
totalAmount := saleAmount + taxAmount;

writeln('Sales Tax Amount: ', taxAmount:0:2);
writeln('Total Amount: ', totalAmount:0:2);

By executing this Pascal program, the user will be prompted to input the sale amount. The program will then calculate the sales tax and total amount, followed by displaying the results to the user.