At lunchtime, an ice cream parlor served 6 ¼ scoops of chocolate ice cream, 5 ¾ scoops of vanilla and 2 ¾ scoops of strawberry. How many scoops of ice cream did the parlor serve in total?

6 1/4 + 5 3/4 + 2 3/4 = (6+5+2) + (1+3+3)/4 = 13 7/4 = ___

13 7/4

To determine the total number of scoops of ice cream served by the parlor, we need to add up the number of scoops of each flavor: chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.

We are given:
- 6 ¼ scoops of chocolate ice cream
- 5 ¾ scoops of vanilla ice cream
- 2 ¾ scoops of strawberry ice cream.

To add these mixed numbers, we first need to find a common denominator for the fractions.

The denominators are 4 (¼), 4 (¾), and 4 (¾). So, the common denominator is 4.

Now let's convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions:

- 6 ¼ = (4 * 6 + 1) / 4 = 25 / 4
- 5 ¾ = (4 * 5 + 3) / 4 = 23 / 4
- 2 ¾ = (4 * 2 + 3) / 4 = 11 / 4

Now we can add up the fractions:

25/4 + 23/4 + 11/4 = (25 + 23 + 11) / 4 = 59 / 4.

We have 59/4 scoops of ice cream in total.

However, it's more common to express the answer as a mixed number. So, let's convert the improper fraction back into a mixed number:

Divide the numerator (59) by the denominator (4): 59 ÷ 4 = 14 with a remainder of 3.

So, the total number of scoops of ice cream served by the parlor is 14 ¾.
