The table shows the costs of different numbers of notebooks. How much will Takuya pay for 1 notebook?

Number of Notebooks Cost ($)
3 = $3.75
7 = $8.75
12 = $15.00
20 = $25.00

A $1.50

B $1.25

C $12.50

D $1.00

I don’t know that too

3.75/3 = 1.25

check the others to make sure they are the same.

To find out how much Takuya will pay for 1 notebook, we need to figure out the unit cost of the notebooks. We can do this by dividing the total cost by the number of notebooks.

Let's calculate the unit cost for each set of notebooks:
For 3 notebooks, the cost is $3.75. So, the unit cost for 1 notebook would be $3.75 divided by 3, which is $1.25.
For 7 notebooks, the cost is $8.75. So, the unit cost for 1 notebook would be $8.75 divided by 7, which is approximately $1.25 rounded to two decimal places.
For 12 notebooks, the cost is $15.00. So, the unit cost for 1 notebook would be $15.00 divided by 12, which is $1.25.
For 20 notebooks, the cost is $25.00. So, the unit cost for 1 notebook would be $25.00 divided by 20, which is $1.25.

From these calculations, we can conclude that the unit cost for 1 notebook is $1.25. Therefore, Takuya will pay $1.25 for 1 notebook.

The correct answer is option B) $1.25.