Fred went to an arcade to play video games. He paid $2 for every 11 tokens he bought. He spent a total of $16 on tokens. Which equation can be used to determine t, the number of tokens Fred bought?

A. 2/16 = x/11

B. 2/11 = x/16

C. 18/t = 11/2

D. 11/2 = x/16


Wait it’s D sorry






Correct! The equation is: 11/2 = t/16.

To determine the equation that can be used to determine the number of tokens Fred bought, we need to analyze the given information.

We know that Fred paid $2 for every 11 tokens he bought, and he spent a total of $16 on tokens. Let's use the variable t to represent the number of tokens Fred bought.

Based on the given information, we can set up the following equation:

2t = 16

In this equation, 2t represents the total amount that Fred spent on tokens, and 16 represents the total cost of the tokens.

Simplifying the equation:

t = 16/2

t = 8

Therefore, the equation that can be used to determine t, the number of tokens Fred bought, is:

8 = t

None of the given options match this equation.