Craig earns $54 every 3 weeks. He wants to know how much he will earn in 7 weeks at this rate. Which proportion will help Craig find the answer?

a. $54/3 weeks = 7/ $ x

b. 7 weeks/$54 = 3 weeks/$ x

c. $54/3 weeks = $x/7 weeks

d. $54/7 weeks = $x/3 weeks

Uh anyone going to answer this difficult question?

First answer has money/time with time/money, that doesn't match up

You should expect to see something like
oldmoney/oldtime = newmoney/newtime
54/3 = money/7
cross multiply
3*money = 7*54

any of the given ratios which results in 3*money = 7*54 will be correct




The correct proportion that will help Craig find the answer is option c.

c. $54/3 weeks = $x/7 weeks

To solve this proportion, we can set up the equation by cross-multiplying:

(54)(7) = (3)(x)

378 = 3x

Now we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 3:

378/3 = x

126 = x

Therefore, Craig will earn $126 in 7 weeks at the same rate of $54 every 3 weeks.