7. Which measurement would need to be taken to the nearest tenth?

A) Height of a building (meters).
B) Distance shot put is thrown in Olympic games (meters).
C) Length of the Canada/U.S. border (kilometers)

To determine which measurement would need to be taken to the nearest tenth, we need to consider the level of precision required for each measurement.

A) The height of a building is typically measured in meters and would require a high level of precision. However, the specific requirement of taking it to the nearest tenth is not mentioned. Generally, height measurements for buildings are taken to the nearest meter, so this measurement might not necessarily need to be taken to the nearest tenth.

B) The distance a shot put is thrown in Olympic games is typically measured in meters. In sports competitions, distances are often measured to a high level of precision. So, it is likely that the measurement of the shot put distance would need to be taken to the nearest tenth for accurate and fair comparisons.

C) The length of the Canada/U.S. border is usually measured in kilometers. Similar to the height of a building, a high level of precision is often not required for long distances like this. In most cases, measuring the length of a border to the nearest tenth of a kilometer would not be necessary.

Based on the information provided, it is most likely that the measurement needing to be taken to the nearest tenth would be option B) Distance shot put is thrown in Olympic games (meters). However, it is always important to consider the specific context and accuracy requirements for each measurement.