liquids may be acids, alkalis or __________ substances

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To fill in the blank, we need to understand the different classifications of substances. Acids and alkalis are two opposite categories - acids typically have a sour taste and can cause burns, while alkalis are bitter and can also cause burns. The term you're looking for, which is the opposite of both acids and alkalis, is "neutral" substances.

In chemistry, the level of acidity or alkalinity of a solution is measured using the pH scale. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being considered neutral. Substances with a pH of less than 7 are classified as acids, while those with a pH higher than 7 are considered alkalis or bases.

To determine if a liquid is acidic, alkaline, or neutral, you can perform a simple experiment using pH indicators or pH test strips. These tools change color based on the pH of the solution they come in contact with. By observing the color change, you can determine the acidity or alkalinity of the liquid.

Alternatively, you can use a pH meter, which provides a numerical value on the pH scale. By immersing the electrode of the pH meter into the liquid and reading the value displayed on the meter, you can determine the pH of the solution and classify it as an acid, alkali, or neutral substance.

Remember, not all liquids are acids, alkalis, or neutral substances. Some substances may be classified as weak acids or weak bases, depending on their pH levels.