What is the theme of "A Contribution to Statistics," and how does the author use figurative language to illistrate her theme?

The theme of "A Contribution to Statistics" is the dehumanization and objectification of individuals in society. To understand how the author uses figurative language to illustrate this theme, we have to first identify the author and the specific work you are referring to, as "A Contribution to Statistics" is a broad title that could potentially refer to different literary works.

Once you have identified the author and the specific work, you can analyze the text to find instances of figurative language that support the theme. Figurative language refers to the use of literary devices such as metaphors, similes, personification, or symbolism to create vivid imagery and convey abstract ideas.

To analyze the figurative language in a literary work, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the text carefully: Start by reading the entire work, paying attention to any descriptions or comparisons that stand out. Look for phrases that deviate from literal meanings or add depth to the narrative.

2. Identify the theme: Determine what central idea(s) the author intends to convey. In the case of "A Contribution to Statistics," based on the title, we can predict that the theme might revolve around the impersonal quantitative analysis of human lives.

3. Look for figurative language: Examine the text for any phrases or passages that use figurative language. Metaphors, similes, personification, or symbols are often used to evoke imagery and enhance the reader's understanding.

4. Analyze the effect: Consider how the use of figurative language contributes to the theme. Does it add emotional impact, emphasize the dehumanization or objectification, or create a visual representation of the ideas being conveyed?

Remember that the figurative language used and its impact on the theme will depend on the specific piece of writing you are referring to. Without further detail or context, it is not possible to provide a more specific analysis or explanation.