Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

A line segment ACD is shown with triangle ABC drawn so that AC is the base of the triangle. Angle BAC is labeled with 72 degree sign, and angle BCD is labeled with 113 degree sign.

Write a list of steps that are needed to find the measure of

D is above AC

32 A?

Hard to say. Is D above or below AC?



Step 1: Start by identifying the given angles in the problem. We are given that angle BAC is 72 degrees and angle BCD is 113 degrees.

Step 2: Remember that the sum of the interior angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees. So, we can use this information to find angle ABC.

Step 3: To find angle ABC, subtract the given angles from 180 degrees. So, angle ABC = 180 degrees - angle BAC - angle BCD.

Step 4: Substitute the given values into the equation to find angle ABC. angle ABC = 180 degrees - 72 degrees - 113 degrees.

Step 5: Simplify the equation by performing the subtraction. angle ABC = 180 degrees - 185 degrees.

Step 6: Subtract 185 degrees from 180 degrees. angle ABC = -5 degrees.

Step 7: Now, we know that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is always equal to 180 degrees. Therefore, angle ABC cannot be negative.

Step 8: Since angle ABC cannot be negative, there must be an error in the given information or the construction of the triangle.

Step 9: We cannot determine the measure of angle B without accurate information. So, the measure of angle B remains unknown in this case.

Sorry, I couldn't give a more specific answer! But hey, at least we have a new kind of mysterious triangle!

To find the measure of angle B in triangle ABC, follow these steps:

1. Recall that the angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees. So, we have:
Angle BAC + Angle ABC + Angle BCA = 180 degrees

2. Substitute the given values:
72 degrees + Angle ABC + 113 degrees = 180 degrees

3. Combine like terms:
Angle ABC + 185 degrees = 180 degrees

4. Subtract 185 degrees from both sides to isolate Angle ABC:
Angle ABC = 180 degrees - 185 degrees

5. Simplify:
Angle ABC = -5 degrees

6. The measure of an angle cannot be negative, so the solution -5 degrees is not valid.

Therefore, we cannot determine the measure of angle B without additional information.