If a concrete column is 6 inches by 6 inches square and 8 ft. long, calculate its weight in Newtons, given a specific weight of 62.4 lb/ft3.

(1/2 ft)^2 * 8ft * 62.4lb/ft^3 = 124.8 lb

To calculate the weight of the concrete column in Newtons, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the volume of the concrete column.
To find the volume, multiply the area of the base by the height (length) of the column.

Base side length (width) = 6 inches = 0.5 feet
Height (length) = 8 ft

Area of the base = (side length)^2 = (0.5 ft)^2 = 0.25 ft^2

Volume = Area of the base * Height = 0.25 ft^2 * 8 ft = 2 ft^3

Step 2: Convert the volume from cubic feet to cubic meters.
Since Newtons are the SI unit of force, we need to convert the volume from cubic feet (ft^3) to cubic meters (m^3).

1 cubic meter = 35.3147 cubic feet

Volume (in cubic meters) = Volume (in cubic feet) / Conversion factor
Volume (in cubic meters) = 2 ft^3 / 35.3147 = 0.056636 m^3 (rounded to 6 decimal places)

Step 3: Calculate the weight in Newtons.
The specific weight of concrete is given as 62.4 lb/ft^3. We need to convert this to Newtons per cubic meter (N/m^3).

1 lb = 4.44822 N (rounded to 5 decimal places)
1 cubic meter = 1000 liters

Specific weight (in N/m^3) = Specific weight (in lb/ft^3) * Conversion factor
Specific weight (in N/m^3) = 62.4 lb/ft^3 * 4.44822 N/lb / 35.3147 ft^3/m^3 = 7.86 N/m^3 (rounded to 2 decimal places)

Now we can calculate the weight of the concrete column in Newtons.

Weight (in Newtons) = Volume (in cubic meters) * Specific weight (in N/m^3)
Weight (in Newtons) = 0.056636 m^3 * 7.86 N/m^3 ≈ 0.4436 Newtons (rounded to 4 decimal places)

Therefore, the weight of the concrete column is approximately 0.4436 Newtons.