This item can give president laverage in influencing congress

It seems like you're asking about an item that can give the president leverage in influencing Congress. While there might not be a specific physical item with such capabilities, there are different strategies and tools that the president can employ to influence Congress. Here are a few examples:

1. Persuasive Communication: One of the most effective ways for the president to influence Congress is through persuasive communication. By delivering speeches, holding press conferences, and engaging in public discussions, the president can shape public opinion and rally public support for their policy agenda. This can put pressure on members of Congress to align with the president's goals.

2. Lobbying and Personal Relationships: The president can build personal relationships and alliances with members of Congress through lobbying efforts. This involves direct engagement, negotiation, and appealing to the shared interests between the executive and legislative branches.

3. Collaboration with Party Leadership: The president can work closely with their own political party's leadership to influence Congress. By coordinating with party leaders, the president can promote their legislative priorities and seek their assistance in rallying support within the party.

4. Public Opinion and Grassroots Mobilization: The president can leverage public opinion and grassroots mobilization to put pressure on Congress. By creating public awareness and generating popular support for their policy initiatives, the president can increase the likelihood of lawmakers aligning with their agenda to avoid potential backlash from their constituents.

While there might not be a specific item that can directly grant the president leverage over Congress, these are some of the methods they can employ to influence legislative decisions and shape the political landscape.