Could someone help me diagram this sentence for DGP? I already did it myself, but I would like to get a second opinion to make sure it's right before I turn it in.

an opening in the trees now cheered him with the hopes that the church bridge was at hand

Of course, I'd be happy to help you diagram the sentence!

To begin, let's break down the sentence into its components:

Subject: an opening in the trees
Verb: now cheered
Direct Object: him
Prepositional Phrase: with the hopes
Prepositional Object: that the church bridge was at hand

Now, let's construct the diagram:

him (DO)
| |
an opening now cheered
in the trees |
with the hopes
that the church bridge
was at hand

Please note that this is just one way to diagram the sentence, and there can be variations in the specific layout. It's important to analyze the sentence's structure and relationships accurately. Now, I recommend reviewing the diagram you've done and comparing it to the one I provided to ensure accuracy.