Draw a triangle XYZ in which XY= 12cm, <ZXY = 50, <XYZ = 38 degree

so what's the problem?

You have a ruler and protractor, don't you?
Draw the two angles, based on the ends of XY.
Where the rays meet is the vertex Z

To draw triangle XYZ with the given information, follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing a straight line segment XY of length 12 cm. This will serve as the base of the triangle.

2. At point X, draw a ray extending in any direction. This will be one side of the triangle.

3. Using a protractor, measure an angle of 38 degrees at point X on the ray you just drew. Mark this angle with a small dot.

4. Now, measure an angle of 50 degrees at the other end of the base line XY, from point Y. Use a protractor and mark this angle with a dot.

5. To complete the triangle, draw a line connecting the dot marked in step 3 (angle of 38 degrees) with the dot marked in step 4 (angle of 50 degrees).

6. Label the points of the triangle as X, Y, and Z. Your triangle XYZ is now complete.

Make sure to be accurate when measuring and marking the angles to ensure a correctly drawn triangle.