if you were to sketch a circle graph for data. what fraction of the circle would represent food and the food $450. Cats 43, Dogs 3,5 Fish 62.

the food $450. Cats 43, Dogs 3,5 Fish 62.

what does that even mean?


To sketch a circle graph representing the given data, you first need to determine the fraction of the circle that represents each category. Here's how you can do it:

1. Calculate the total value of all the categories: Cats + Dogs + Fish + Food
Total value = 43 + 3.5 + 62 + 450 = 558.5

2. Find the fraction for each category by dividing the value of that category by the total value:
Fraction of Food = Food value / Total value = 450 / 558.5

Now, we can calculate this fraction:

Fraction of Food = 450 / 558.5

To convert this fraction to a percentage, you can multiply it by 100.

Fraction of Food (as a percentage) = (450 / 558.5) * 100

Once you have the percentage, you can sketch the circle graph by drawing a circle and dividing it according to the percentages calculated for each category. In this case, the fraction of the circle representing food will be the percentage calculated for food.

Remember to label each section of the circle graph with the corresponding category (in this case, food, cats, dogs, and fish) and the respective values associated with each category (in this case, $450 for food, 43 for cats, 3.5 for dogs, and 62 for fish).