The Preamble to the U.S. Constitution explains the purposes of the U.S. government. They are to:

• Form a more perfect union
• Establish justice
• Insure domestic tranquility
• Provide for the common defense
• Promote the general welfare
• Secure the blessings of liberty
In this assignment, you are to take each one of the purposes of government listed above and answer the following questions. Your answers should be at least one paragraph per purpose. So your total assignment should be a minimum of six well-developed paragraphs.
1. Why did the framers of the Constitution include this purpose in the Preamble?
2. What provisions (discuss a minimum of two) in the Constitution ensure that this purpose is achieved?
3. What examples can you provide (minimum of two) in the present that shows the U.S. Government is still fulfilling this purpose today?

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Purpose: To form a more perfect union

1. The framers of the Constitution included this purpose in the Preamble because they wanted to establish a stronger and more unified country than what existed under the Articles of Confederation. They recognized that a strong union was necessary for the stability, prosperity, and progress of the newly formed United States. By emphasizing the need to form a more perfect union, the framers were acknowledging the imperfections and weaknesses of the previous system and expressing their commitment to creating a stronger foundation for the country.

2. The provisions in the Constitution that ensure the achievement of this purpose include the establishment of a federal government with the power to regulate interstate commerce, levy taxes, and provide for the common defense. These provisions, such as the Commerce Clause (Article I, Section 8) and the Necessary and Proper Clause (Article I, Section 8), grant the federal government the authority to make decisions that affect the entire nation. Additionally, the Supremacy Clause (Article VI) ensures that federal laws take precedence over conflicting state laws, thus maintaining the unity of the country.

3. Examples of how the U.S. Government is still fulfilling the purpose of forming a more perfect union today can be seen in initiatives that aim to enhance cooperation and unity among the states. One such example is the Interstate Compacts, which are agreements between two or more states on specific policy issues. These compacts allow states to work together and address common challenges, such as environmental issues or transportation infrastructure. Another example is the federal government's involvement in disaster response and relief efforts. When natural disasters strike, FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) coordinates the response and provides resources to affected states, ensuring a unified and coordinated approach to managing the crisis. These examples demonstrate the ongoing commitment to forming a more perfect union by promoting collaboration and addressing collective challenges.

Purpose: To establish justice

1. The inclusion of this purpose in the Preamble reflects the framers' belief in the importance of a fair and equal legal system for maintaining social order and protecting individual rights. They recognized the need to establish a just society based on the principles of equity, impartiality, and the rule of law. By emphasizing the establishment of justice, the framers sought to establish a government that would treat all citizens fairly and equally.

2. Several provisions in the Constitution ensure the achievement of this purpose. For instance, the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments guarantee due process and equal protection under the law, preventing the arbitrary denial of life, liberty, or property. The Sixth Amendment ensures the right to a fair trial, including the right to legal representation and the right to confront witnesses. Additionally, the creation of an independent judiciary, as outlined in Article III, allows courts to interpret and apply the law impartially, thus upholding the principles of justice.

3. The continued fulfillment of this purpose can be observed in various aspects of the present-day U.S. government. One example is the ongoing efforts to address criminal justice reform. Recognizing the need for a fair and equitable criminal justice system, reforms have been implemented at both federal and state levels to reduce disparities, reform sentencing practices, and promote rehabilitation rather than punitive approaches. Another example is the establishment of regulatory bodies and agencies that enforce laws and regulations to ensure fair competition, consumer protection, and workplace safety. This includes agencies like the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). These initiatives demonstrate the government's commitment to upholding justice and creating a society that is fair and equitable for all.

Purpose: To insure domestic tranquility

1. The framers included this purpose in the Preamble to address the need for a government that could maintain peace and harmony within the country. They recognized that a stable and peaceful society was essential for the well-being and progress of the nation. By emphasizing the need to ensure domestic tranquility, they sought to establish a government capable of preventing and resolving domestic conflicts and maintaining social order.

2. The Constitution contains provisions to ensure the achievement of this purpose. For instance, the Supremacy Clause (Article VI) establishes the authority of federal law over conflicting state laws, promoting uniformity and preventing potential sources of domestic unrest. Additionally, the government is granted the power in Article I, Section 8, to raise and support armies, as well as to provide for the militia, aiming at maintaining internal security and defending against potential threats.

3. In the present, the U.S. government demonstrates its commitment to insuring domestic tranquility through various law enforcement agencies and policies. For example, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) plays a crucial role in combating terrorism, organized crime, and other domestic threats. Similarly, state and local law enforcement agencies work to maintain peace and safety within their respective communities. Additionally, the government has developed policies and initiatives aimed at preventing and addressing social issues that may disrupt domestic tranquility, such as providing support for mental health services, addressing socioeconomic disparities, and promoting community engagement. These efforts exemplify the ongoing commitment to maintaining domestic tranquility and ensuring a safe and peaceful society for all citizens.