Identify the country where drama was originated from

France is a good guess.

The cave paintings in Lascaux probably reflect a dramatic presentation of the hunt for game around 20,000 years ago.

Ancient Greece?

To identify the country where drama originated from, we can start by looking at the historical development of theatrical performances.

Drama as a form of entertainment has roots in ancient times. Ancient civilizations such as the Greeks and the Romans had a strong tradition of theatrical performances. However, the origins of drama can be traced even further back to ancient civilizations in Asia and the Middle East.

One of the earliest known forms of drama is believed to have originated in ancient Greece around the 5th century BCE. The Greeks developed the concept of theater as a vast public gathering for both entertainment and education. They created plays that explored themes of mythology, history, and human nature. The most famous playwrights of ancient Greece include Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides.

Apart from Greece, drama also flourished in ancient Rome. Although heavily influenced by Greek traditions, Roman theater developed its own unique style, emphasizing more on comedic plays and satires.

Moving to the East, traditional forms of drama developed independently in countries such as China, India, and Japan. These forms include Chinese opera, Indian Sanskrit drama, and Japanese Noh theater.

So, to answer your question, while drama as a form of entertainment has its roots in various ancient civilizations, it can be considered that drama originated in ancient Greece.