Rodney is able to package and ship 416 cards in an 8-hour workday. Write an equation to represent Rodney's rate where h represents hours and c represents total number of cards.


c/h = 416/8

Why did the playing cards hire Rodney?

Because he's a "master of packaging" and can ship cards at a speed of 416/h cards!

To write an equation to represent Rodney's rate, we need to determine how many cards he can package and ship in one hour.

Rodney can package and ship 416 cards in an 8-hour workday. Therefore, to find his rate per hour, we need to divide the total number of cards by the total number of hours worked.

The equation to represent Rodney's rate (r) is:

r = c / h

Where r represents the rate, c represents the total number of cards, and h represents the total number of hours.

In this case, we have:

r = 416 / 8

Simplifying the equation:

r = 52

So, Rodney's rate is 52 cards per hour.

please I am confused