Fill in the gaps, using the words below.

Milky way, Sun, galaxies, planets, atom, 13.8 billion, atmosphere,
star, universe, gravity

Long before time began, space itself was compressed into a tiny space smaller than an
__________________. But then, around __________________ years ago, there was an explosion of
energy, known as the BIG BANG, and the __________________ began. Time, space and matter
all began with the Big Bang. Around 2 million years later, a hot glowing ball of hydrogen gas
appeared: the first __________________! Over time, more and more of these formed, in groups
known as__________________.
Humans live in a galaxy called the __________________, and our biggest star is called the
__________________. When it was formed, dust and gases spun around it, and a force called
__________________ pulled them together to form rocks. These rocks then joined and formed
__________________, including Earth.
Over millions of years, Earth’s surface cooled, and a hard crust formed. The earth’s layer of
gases, known as the __________________, held water vapor, which condensed into rain, and
oceans began to form.

Long before time began, space itself was compressed into a tiny space smaller than an atom. But then, around 13.8 billion years ago, there was an explosion of energy, known as the BIG BANG, and the universe began. Time, space, and matter all began with the Big Bang. Around 2 million years later, a hot glowing ball of hydrogen gas appeared: the first star! Over time, more and more of these formed, in groups known as galaxies.

Humans live in a galaxy called the Milky Way, and our biggest star is called the Sun. When it was formed, dust and gases spun around it, and a force called gravity pulled them together to form rocks. These rocks then joined and formed planets, including Earth.

Over millions of years, Earth’s surface cooled, and a hard crust formed. The Earth’s layer of gases, known as the atmosphere, held water vapor, which condensed into rain, and oceans began to form.