The threat of the spread of communism around the world is still the main focus of American foreign policy, just as it was 50 years ago.

a. True
b. False

b. False

To determine the correct answer, we should consider the current focus of American foreign policy. While the threat of communism was indeed a major concern 50 years ago, the geopolitical landscape has changed since then.

Today, the main focus of American foreign policy includes a wide range of issues such as terrorism, economic competition, nuclear proliferation, cybersecurity, climate change, and human rights. While communism still exists in certain countries, it is no longer the primary global threat that it once was during the Cold War era.

To keep up-to-date with the current focus of American foreign policy, it is advisable to refer to reliable sources such as official government statements, news outlets, research institutions, and foreign policy experts. Additionally, staying informed about current events and policy developments can help understand the ongoing priorities and challenges for American foreign policy.