Which of the following affixes means “against”?

A. Anti

meee to me too i have a lot of Fs that i need to get up to a good grade by TOMORROW or i will have to spend all day in my room till there brought up

and that just looks cool though lmao

The affix that means "against" is the prefix "anti-". To determine the correct answer among the given options, we need to understand that prefixes are added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning.

Looking at the given options:
A. "Anti" is a prefix that means "against" or "opposed to." Therefore, option A is correct.

B. "Er" is not a prefix that conveys the meaning "against." It is typically used to indicate a person or thing that performs a certain action.

C. "Pre" is a prefix that means "before" or "in advance." It does not convey the idea of "against."

D. "Multi" is a prefix that means "many" or "multiple." It does not indicate opposition or being against something.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A: "Anti".

1. A

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