Angela uses cup of strawberries to make of a liter of smoothie. What is the unit rate in cups of strawberries per liter of smoothie?

If ? cups for one liter, then

? cups/liter

what is the answer

what si the answer

the answer is 4/5 cups per litter


To find the unit rate of cups of strawberries per liter of smoothie, you need to divide the number of cups of strawberries by the number of liters of smoothie.

In this case, Angela uses 1 cup of strawberries to make 3/4 of a liter of smoothie.

So, the unit rate of cups of strawberries per liter of smoothie is:
(1 cup of strawberries) / (3/4 liter of smoothie)

To divide by a fraction, you can multiply by the reciprocal of the fraction. The reciprocal of 3/4 is 4/3.

So, the unit rate is:
(1 cup of strawberries) * (4/3 liters of smoothie)

The cups will cancel out, leaving you with the unit rate of strawberries per liter:
4/3 strawberries per liter of smoothie.