5.4.5 - Quick Check: What's in a Name?

If you were to draw this one-point perspective image, what technique would you use to create the illusion of space?

Correct answer
a vanishing point

View of the Grand Canal: Santa maria della Salute and the Dogana Campo SantaMaria Zobenigo
by Bernardo Bellotto
Digital image courtesy of the Getty's Open Content Program
To create an illustration of perspective, this artist did all of the following except
distort proportion to keep the background and foreground the same size

This graffiti example grabs the viewer’s attention by
using bright colors to stand out.

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ty here to help your a live saver ( actually you saved my life )

To create the illusion of space in a one-point perspective image, the technique used is the vanishing point. The vanishing point is a point on the horizon where all parallel lines seem to converge, giving the impression of depth and distance. By aligning the lines in the image towards this point, it creates a sense of perspective and the appearance of a three-dimensional space.

In the second question, the artist Bernardo Bellotto is asked what technique he did not use to create the illustration of perspective in his painting. The correct answer is distorting the proportion to keep the background and foreground the same size. In perspective drawing, objects in the foreground are generally larger than those in the background to create a realistic sense of depth. By distorting proportions and keeping the background and foreground the same size, the illusion of distance is not achieved.

Lastly, in the graffiti example mentioned, the artist grabs the viewer's attention by using bright colors to stand out. Bright colors are often attention-grabbing and can make the artwork more visually striking, ensuring it stands out among its surroundings. This technique is commonly used in graffiti to attract and engage viewers.