An object has a mass of 100kg and a volume of 27cm3, what is its density? Will the object sink or float? How do you know?

An object has a mass of 26 g and a volume of 47 mL, what is its density?
Will the object sink or float? How do you know?

density = mass/volume = 100/27 g/cm^3

what is the density of water?

To calculate the density of an object, you need to use the formula:

Density = Mass / Volume

Let's calculate the density of the first object with a mass of 100 kg and a volume of 27 cm³:

Density = 100 kg / 27 cm³

The density of the first object is approximately 3.7 kg/cm³.

Whether the object will sink or float depends on the density of the object compared to the density of the fluid it is placed in. If the object's density is greater than the density of the fluid, it will sink. If the object's density is less than the density of the fluid, it will float.

For the second object with a mass of 26 g and a volume of 47 mL:

Density = 26 g / 47 mL

The units for density can be converted to g/mL:

Density ≈ 0.55 g/mL

To determine if the object will sink or float, you need to compare the density of the object to the density of the fluid it is placed in. If the object's density is greater than the density of the fluid, it will sink. If the object's density is less than the density of the fluid, it will float. Without knowing the density of the fluid, it is not possible to determine whether the object will sink or float.

To find an object's density, you'll need to divide its mass by its volume. Let's calculate the density of the first object with a mass of 100 kg and a volume of 27 cm³:

Density = Mass / Volume

Density = 100 kg / 27 cm³

Before proceeding, it's important to note that the mass needs to be in kilograms and the volume in cubic meters to maintain consistent SI units.

To convert the volume from cm³ to m³, we need to divide by 1,000,000 since there are 1,000,000 cm³ in 1 m³.

Volume = 27 cm³ / 1,000,000 m³

Now we have all the information in consistent units:

Density = 100 kg / (27 cm³ / 1,000,000 m³)

Next, divide the mass by the volume:

Density = 100 kg / (27 cm³ / 1,000,000 m³)

Density = 100 kg / 0.000027 m³

Density = 3,703,703.70 kg/m³

To determine whether the object will sink or float, we need to compare its density to the density of the surrounding substance (such as water in most cases). If the object's density is higher than the substance's density, it will sink. Conversely, if the object's density is lower than the substance's density, it will float.

For the second object with a mass of 26 g and a volume of 47 mL:

Before finding the density, we need to ensure consistent units. Convert the mass to kilograms (divide by 1,000) and the volume to cubic meters (divide by 1,000,000):

Mass = 26 g / 1,000 kg/g
Volume = 47 mL / 1,000,000 m³

Now we can calculate the density:

Density = 26 kg / (47 mL / 1,000,000 m³)

Density = 26 kg / 0.000047 m³

Density = 553,191.49 kg/m³

To determine whether the object will sink or float, compare its density to the density of the surrounding substance.