4.13.10 - Portfolio Item: Memo to the President Portfolio

Paragraph 1 – Introduction and brief discussion of humanitarian crisis
Paragraph 2 – Agency #1 description and involvement with human rights
Paragraph 3 – Agency #2 description and involvement with human rights
Paragraph 4 – Agency #3 description and involvement with human rights
Paragraph 5 – Conclusion

I have to do this portfolio , have you done it yet? If not we can help each other, my insta is @jess_tru and my number is 03jesstrujillo

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if anybody still needs to work on it email me and we can work together lol

To create your portfolio item, "Memo to the President," with the above structure, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by writing an introduction in paragraph 1. Briefly introduce the memo and set the context for the humanitarian crisis you will discuss in the memo.

2. In paragraph 2, describe Agency #1 and its involvement in human rights issues related to the humanitarian crisis. You can provide specific examples of actions taken by the agency, such as providing aid or advocating for human rights.

3. Move on to paragraph 3 and describe Agency #2. Explain how this agency is also involved in addressing human rights issues related to the crisis. Again, provide specific examples to support your description.

4. In paragraph 4, describe Agency #3 and its involvement in human rights issues related to the crisis. Similar to the previous paragraphs, provide specific examples to illustrate the agency's work.

5. Finally, conclude your memo in paragraph 5. Summarize the main points discussed in the previous paragraphs and emphasize the importance of coordinated efforts from all agencies to address the humanitarian crisis and protect human rights.

Remember to ensure coherence and logical flow between paragraphs by using transitional phrases and organizing your thoughts effectively.