Kyle sold 15 chocolate cheesecakes for his band class and 40 strawberry cheesecakes. what is the ratio of the number of strawberry cheesecakes sold to Kyle's total sales?

How many chocolate cheesecakes and strawberry cheesecakes did he sell altogether?



To find the ratio of the number of strawberry cheesecakes sold to Kyle's total sales, we need to divide the number of strawberry cheesecakes sold by the total number of cheesecakes sold.

The total number of cheesecakes sold is obtained by adding the number of chocolate cheesecakes sold to the number of strawberry cheesecakes sold.

Total number of cheesecakes sold = Number of chocolate cheesecakes + Number of strawberry cheesecakes
Total number of cheesecakes sold = 15 + 40
Total number of cheesecakes sold = 55

Now, we can calculate the ratio as:

Ratio = Number of strawberry cheesecakes sold / Total number of cheesecakes sold
Ratio = 40 / 55
Ratio = 8 / 11

Therefore, the ratio of the number of strawberry cheesecakes sold to Kyle's total sales is 8:11.

To find the ratio of the number of strawberry cheesecakes sold to Kyle's total sales, we first need to calculate Kyle's total sales.

Kyle sold 15 chocolate cheesecakes and 40 strawberry cheesecakes.

So his total sales can be found by adding the number of chocolate cheesecakes and strawberry cheesecakes:

Total sales = Number of chocolate cheesecakes + Number of strawberry cheesecakes
Total sales = 15 + 40
Total sales = 55

Now, to find the ratio of the number of strawberry cheesecakes sold to Kyle's total sales, we divide the number of strawberry cheesecakes by the total sales:

Ratio = Number of strawberry cheesecakes / Total sales
Ratio = 40 / 55

Therefore, the ratio of the number of strawberry cheesecakes sold to Kyle's total sales is 40/55.